Thursday, March 04, 2010

Witchcraft: An Unethical Practice

Witchcraft or the practice of magic, is the control of supernatural forces in order to bring desired things or events into ones life.

How is a practice that is based on personal gain be morally correct? It isn't. I believe people should work for what they want with their own strength and intelligence.

Witches say that magic is neither good nor bad, it just is. And since the power is there, they just take advantage of it. Why? "because they do and it does..."

Unlike any eastern philosophy or western religion, Magic/witchcraft does not lid you to spiritual enlightenment, raises your consciousness, or helps you be a better person at all. Magic just is...and by worshiping something that is static, one cannot grow.

Witches feel a special connection to the earth and universe, and are able to manifest its power at their will. This does not mean they are enlightened, wise, or know more about god than the next person does. It just means they are experts are not working for what they want at all, and know how to manipulate that power to their advantage on the physical plane.

Magic only serves to make the ego of a person stronger by giving those who practice it a stronger belive on the ilusion of control...thus, diminishing their spiritual growth.

Magic is a practice without moral guidelines. It has rules, but just that...

One of those rules is that the type of magic depends on the witch, but a witch, someone who manipulates these energies to get the things they want, can't have a strong sense of ethics, nor enough discernment to see right through that...

In conclusion, the practice of magic lets you have the things you want without hard work. IT is UNETHICAL and so are the people who practice it.


  1. I'm sorry but you are a hypocrit. You believe divinitory practices are acceptable, but Witchcraft is not. As a Catholic, you should follow the bible, and you do not, for the bible frowns upon both practices:

    "There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses **divination**, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead." "For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you." -- Deuteronomy 10-12

    You should perhaps re-evaluate your beliefs because they appear to be flawed.

  2. Divination is a way to clarify the insights I get. I was born with it.

    And if divination is so wrong then why are there people who are born with the ability to know the future and interpret symbols?

    I'm not "picking and choosing". The Bible has had prophets and seers too..

  3. The bible considers divination a sin. I suggest you read your bible again.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The bible says divination is a sin, yet in the bible are many prophets who interpreted dreams and had apparitions.

    The bible was written for the masses rather than for an individual person, for the simple reason that some people have deeper understanding than others.

    I am not saying these prophets were hypocrits...By forbiding divination, it makes sure no one will go practice the Occult over Christianity. Since people are selfish and are inclined to agree with whatever lets them have their way. Not only that, there is the issue of worshipping "GODS" over a GOD. However, just because it forbids it, it doesn't deny there are people who have the gift of interpretation.

    And the thing is...circumstances will arise that will lead this people to use and rely on that gift. Just like the prophets.
