Saturday, March 06, 2010

Divination and Christianity: Can They Get Along?

Even though the bible forbids the practice of divination, is the practice alone ok?

The answer to that is: YES!!!

How come?
The bible talks about people and prophets who had revelations and prophetic dreams very often.  They were born with that sixth sense and even though it wasn't their intention, they still saw into the future. In today's world there still  are many people with that ability.

What is ESP?
ESP stands for Extra Sensory Perception. It is an inborn ability to see the future. Since it is inborn, it is biological; therefore, natural. Everybody has a sixth sense, but some people have it more active than others. People with an active sixth sense are what people call "psychics".

If ESP is an inborn ability then why use Tarot, Numerology and Astrology?
Throught the use of tarot, numerology, and astrology one can see into the future in order to know what is in store for us. The reason why many psychics use these means, is to help clarify their insights. Also these practices are use by people who want to develop that sixth sense.

Is the practice of Divination the only way to develop ones sixth sense?

Not at all. Most eastern religions, and in western culture the practice called yoga which is seen as a sport or exercise, involve what is called meditation. Meditation is done in order to develop internal peace. It is known that the practice of meditation activates this sixth sense and other psychic abilities.

Can Divination lead to spiritual Growth?
Yes. Aside from seeing in to the future, the use of numerology and astrology can be a great tool for self discovery. Tarot is more useful when trying to interpret the meaning of one's dreams. Also, as one begins learning about this practices, one start to acknowledge that there is a god who oversees things and that one has a purpose in life to fulfill.

If Divination is ok, then whay does the bible forbid it?
Because by forbiding divination it hopes to avoid the temptation of getting started in witchcraft. Some people get overly ambitious and then seeing the future is not enough for them.  The reason witches practice divination is because they get to know themselves better as persons and to see the future. Divinaton and magic are not the same! Here is where people and witches are mistaken. Divination has nothing to do with magic... And like I said, everybody is born with an sixth sense.


  1. I'll agree that divination and magic are not one in the same, but nevertheless the bible still forbids it. You cannot pick and choose which pieces of the bible you want to follow. You either follow it as written or not at all. The bible forbids divinitory practices and therefore you should not practice it.

  2. I can't help it. Ever since I was a little girl I could dream about what was going to happen in the morning...and still do until this day. I don't mean to see into my future, it just happens when I'm asleep...

  3. You have a tendency to overgeneralize somewhat when you speak about example of this is the comment below..
    'Here is where people and witches are mistaken. Divination has nothing to do with magic...'
    Try to credit us as having our own minds and opinions if you can bear to. And i suggest you get a different source for your material, as you are way of track so far.

  4. I am generalizing because I am talking about many branches of witchcraft. Not just wicca, voodoo, or santeria. In the link of Yahoo Answers that I posted, I recieved a lot of comments from different witches, not all of them are wicca practicioners.

    YOU DO HAVE YOUR OWN MINDS. It reflects on the kind of craft you practice. It reflects your believes and moral standing...
